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spinoza handschrift

Catherine Malabou will hold the Spinoza Chair of the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities in the second term of the academic year 2018-2019 and will be delivering the accompanying two Spinoza Lectures on 'Philosophy and Anarchy'.

Malabou's second Spinoza Lecture is entitled ‘Morality and Horizontality'.

What has become of mutual aid, a key concept in traditional anarchism, and profoundly analyzed by Kropotkin? Being currently left aside by both post-anarchist thinkers and post-structuralist philosophers because of its supposed naturalist and rationalist grounding, it seems to live a new life under the name of «effective altruism» (Singer, Parfitt). Effective altruism opens the prospect of a decentralized morals, in which the issues of justice and the good are not referred to overarching values, but determined horizontally, out of a form of calculation. Is effective altruism a political promise or a social scandal?

Practical information

Location: Aula - Oude Lutherse kerk
1012 XMAmsterdam
Date and time: Thursday 14 March 2019, at 20:15.
The Aula is open at 19:30.
Entrance: admission is free (no reservation required).
Language: The lectures will be given in English.

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